Waiting for SiteSell's approval
I've not been blogging for the past week or so because I'm waiting for a reply from SiteSell Inc. with regards to this blog.
As a courtesy, I wrote to them last Friday seeking approval/clarification on the use of "SiteSell" as the name of this domain (or rather "canonical" name of blogspot), and that does not infringe upon any copyright/trademark of SiteSell.
I was informed by one of their Support Team that she had passed my message to their legal department. And she added that one of their associates will be in touch with me within the following 48-72 hours (well, it's more than that now..., and I'm feeling just a bit apprehensive).
Anyway, better be safe than sorry. Even if it meant discontinuing this blog.
But, it is an ethical part of the business which I subscribe to.
But, it is an ethical part of the business which I subscribe to.
Hence, I'll be back later.
Anyway, the long Easter weekend will keep me busy for the next few days I suppose..., busy with the kids and their Easter bunnies?